четверг, 17 мая 2018 г.

CRYPTOGLOBAL — Purchasing And Selling Digital Assets As Simple as Possible — And Easy as Possible

We want to make purchases and sales of digital assets as simple as possible — and as easy as possible. We want people with minimal technical experience to be able to interact with our platform and experience the power and freedom of cryptocurrency.
“Our vision is to become the number one global peer-to-peer cryptocurrency service group. Offering a variety of focused solutions and products — from our reliable decentralized P2P exchanges to our upcoming international payment service. “
Banks that do not have bank accounts, the gateway to global cryptocurrency investment: Despite the rapid growth of crypto currency, there are 2 billion adults worldwide without access to banking services. To invest in crypto currency, an investor must have some form of access to banking, whether it’s a bank account, credit card or debit card. We do not need a bank account to use our platform, users can buy and sell using more than 20 payment method.
We funded doors that did not have bank accounts and opened the door: Despite the rapid growth of cryptocurrency, there are 2 billion adults worldwide without access to banking services. To invest in cryptocurrency or digital assets, investors must have some form of access to banking, whether it’s a bank account, credit card or debit card. CryptoGlobal Marketplace opens the door for populations that do not have bank accounts and bald populations to buy / sell cryptocurrency using traditional and alternative payment methods such as online wallets, and money transfer agents, among many others. We have integrated over 20 payment and withdrawal methods to help alleviate this problem.
We’ve stripped down the exchange to it’s core: Exisisitng cryptocurrency
exchanges are far too complicated. As a result, we’ve designed and built a clean, intuitive, responsive and easy to use platform. A platform that any investor, at any age, with any education level can easily transact on.
A truly P2P decentralised exchange: We’ve designed and built a functioning decentralised P2P exchange, allowing users to be in control of their price, profit margins whilst protecting investors from market manipulation.
We’ve simplified crypto-fiat exchange services and settlements:
Exchanging and/or selling cryptocurrencies on traditional exchanges can be difficult, inefficient and timely. Additionally, users are presented with limited options when they wish to sell their cryptocurrency to fiat. So, we’ve integrated over 40 fiat currencies for users to buy/sell digital assets.
A simple example of how the P2P mechanism works, using a simple seller and buyer model. Green middle line represents final stage of transaction.
Token will have the following functions and benefits on the CryptoGlobal platform.
A cheaper and branded way for those who do not have a bank account to buy and invest in a cryptocurrency ecosystem. Based on ERC20, the token transaction fee will be below $ 0.30 on average.
Token will be used as the primary currency for CryptoGlobal Debit cards
Buyers and sellers can pay for exchange fees using CGX tokens
Users can use CGX tokens to list their Buy / Sell ads on the platform and pay for them
rights list premium, which will send their ads to the top of the list.
Users can use tokens to select a new currency to list.
Users can choose to use CGX tokens for new features and modules to add.
We have no ideas. We have something real, a platform that has changed the game. This is our view for the future.
May 2017 — Idea Born
The idea of ​​CryptoGlobal Marketplace was born.
August 2017 — Development Begins
The idea is validated, the team is assembled. We started validation to animate this idea.
December 2017 — Completed Development
Development is complete and we are launching our next-gen decentralized P2P exchange.
P2P Exchange
Feb 2018 — Sales Planning Token / Community Development
We began collecting information, resources, and partnerships to plan effectively and efficiently for the sale of our tokens to the public
March — April 2018 Initial & Primary Token Sales
We will give investors an opportunity to invest in a sustainable long-term business for the future, by allowing the purchase of “CGX” tokens.
Tokens will be distributed accordingly and listed on the tier 1 of the global exchange.
May — Token Distribution & Exchange Register
Sept 2018 — Apple & Android app
Integrates intelligent contract technology across platforms, to streamline transactions and processes.
Nov 2018 — Advertisers / Third Party Partners
We open the door to selected partners to advertise text ads in selected locations on our platform. Opening another revenue stream.
December 2018 — Crypto — Fiat Debit Card
We developed and launched our crypto-fiat debit card, allowing users to shop without selling their crypto assets.
Jan 2019 — Integrate More Cryptos
We started integrating popular cryptocurrency and alt0coins, based on our community choice. This will increase our options and trade options for all our users globally.
2019 — Global Expansion
Our year of expansion in various regions continues as we embark on a journey to accompany more people and match the field of play.
2019 — Further Development
The development of our Android and Apple app store app starts. Allows users globally to trade digital assets on the go.
For More Information:
The bitcointalk name : competentgirl
My BitcoinTalk: 

LIXCOIN — Membantu Pengembang Game Mengubah Konsep Game Mereka Menjadi Kenyataan

Platform LIX untuk game
Platform crowdfunding LIX untuk game dikandung pada awal tahun 2016 untuk memberi pengembang game dan gamer sebuah platform dan ekonomi yang aman, nyaman, dan terdesentralisasi. Berfokus pada gagasan inovatif, platform akan bekerja untuk membantu pengembang game mengubah konsep game mereka menjadi kenyataan. Sebagai gamer yang rajin, mereka mengerti bagaimana studio AAA mulai kehilangan monopoli mereka terhadap industri ini. Pengembang independen dengan konsep game dan ide terobosan hebat umumnya dipegang hanya karena kurangnya dana dan dukungan. Tujuan utama LIX adalah untuk mendemokratiskan industri game dengan membantu pengembang independen melepaskan diri dari kendala ini, sehingga memastikan bahwa industri game dapat mencapai keragaman dan nilai hiburan yang diharapkan dari masa depan digital.
Platform ini harus sangat mendemokratisasikan dan mendiversifikasi industri game yang ada.
Apa itu LIX
LIX terutama akan menjadi platform kerumunan proyek permainan yang memungkinkan ide permainan menjadi kenyataan secara adil dan efisien. LIX tidak hanya akan menyediakan mata uang permainan mikro-transaksi yang lebih cepat dan lebih nyaman namun juga akan menyediakan infrastruktur dan ekonomi game penuh untuk digunakan oleh penerbit, studio dan pengembang independen. Pada akhirnya, dengan komunitas LIX yang berkomitmen penuh, anggaran belanja miliaran dolar tidak lagi diperlukan untuk memproduksi dan mendistribusikan permainan — hanya gagasan.
Dari perspektif teknologi, LIX didasarkan pada gelombang LPOS.
Pasokan tetap: Item dalam game atau barang koleksi langka
Persediaan terbarukan: Item yang dapat dikonsumsi seperti makanan dan sumber daya.
Biaya untuk mengeluarkan aset: Saat peluncuran, 2 koin LIX.
Persediaan aset: Tetap dan tidak tetap.
Data aset: penyimpanan Hash, ID memo, dan data teks.
Menggunakan data blok-blok Bitcoin ke data cap waktu telah berkembang jauh melewati upload singlefile yang mengharuskan pengguna membayar biaya jaringan Bitcoin. API dan platform unggulan seperti LIX adalah pengembang yang ramah, memungkinkan pengembang untuk mengintegrasikan perangko waktu rantai blok ke berbagai aplikasi yang akan dibangun di atasnya. Namun, dengan permainan bayar-untuk-bermain, ada risiko terus-menerus bahwa pengguna akan menemukan cara untuk “melipatgandakan pembelanjaan” token atau mengeksploitasi sistem untuk meningkatkan nilai akun mereka sendiri. Ini hanya mungkin karena dalam banyak situasi,
nilai akun hanyalah variabel kode keras yang tunduk pada manipulasi. Namun, dengan menyimpan dan mendaftarkan aset game di dalam rantai blok, sumber daya akan ada dalam jumlah yang terbatas dan tidak dapat diubah pada semua simpul, sehingga tidak mungkin bagi pengguna untuk mengeksploitasi sistem.
Pasar barang dagangan akan menjual barang dagangan game dan aksesorisnya, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada: set VR, keyboard game, mouse komputer dll. Pasar akan menerima dan secara aktif mempromosikan koin LIX. Selain itu, ini akan menjadi pad peluncuran ke jaringan distribusi game LIX. Ini akan memungkinkan perdagangan barang digital yang terkait dengan ruang game. Fungsi ini akan diimplementasikan pada tahap selanjutnya.
Pemasaran pra-penjualan
Jumlah total penari LIX akan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan dana melalui ICO, mengembangkan platform, yang digunakan untuk memberi penghargaan atas program hadiah dan rujukan, pemasaran dan yang terpenting pergi ke pendanaan dari platform use case LIX. Judul game andalannya tidak hanya menunjukkan penggunaan koin LIX dalam game, namun akan menghadirkan keunikan tersendiri bagi industri ini. Uang tebang akan digunakan sebagai berikut sesuai dengan target roadmap:
  • ICO — 69%
  • Cadangan Tim — 15%
  • Platform Reserve — 10%
  • Bounty — 5%
  • Pendanaan Benih — 1%
Beergabunglah dengan Proyek Lixcoin ini secepaynya dan untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan kunjungi beberapa Tautan berikut :
Website :http://icoholic.me/goto/https://lixcoin.org/
Whitepaper :http://icoholic.me/goto/https://lixcoin.org/whitepaper.pdf
Facebook :https://fb.me/lixtoken
Twitter :https://twitter.com/Elixir_Platform
Telegram :https://t.me/lixcoin
Nama pengguna Bct : competentgirl
My BitcoinTalk: 

DEEPAERO — Urban Transportation System And Your Cargo Delivery

Hello Everyone, In this new post I will introduce about DeepAero project, and for more details let’s just go to the following discussion:
At DEEP AERO, we are building an autonomous drill economy supported by AI & Blockchain. We will completely change the urban transport system by bringing flight requests and cargo shipments at your fingertips.
Decentralized traffic management platform, intelligent, self-aware, autonomous drone
AERO DEEP AERO & Cargo Drones
Vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL) transporting people and goods running on DEEP AERO UTM
DEEP AERO Drone Market Place
Decentralized markets for Drone related products and services
The flight plan meets all regulatory requirements with AI, rule-based air intelligence for company-friendly drone operations.
Active or planned flights can adapt to changes in airspace conditions, including wind, visibility and temperature, for optimal performance.
Maximum situational awareness with real-time notification of nearby traffic, based on flight plans and direct telemetry.
Drone Use Cases
Air Survey
Package Delivery
Air transport
Photography and filmmaking
Determine the delivery of pesticides
Forest fire fighting assistance
Traffic monitoring
Underground dumps, electricity, utilities, maintenance, and safety inspections
Maintenance of multi-storey commercial buildings and secure inspections
Security and supervision
Survey pipeline, security. management and maintenance
Control of the crowd / management
Livestock management / range
Maintenance of power lines and safety inspections
Maintenance of wind turbines and safety inspections
Wildlife conservation
ICO Summary
Utilization of funds
Distribution of DRONE Token
** Tokens not sold in ICO will be burned upon completion of ICO
Token Sale Security
DDOS Protection
We use Distributed DNS and managed Web Application Firewalls.
Website Security
Our websites and forms have been tested for penetration by third-party security tester companies, and the security-hardened environment and all the latest patches and security updates are installed.
Social security
All of our social media accounts have been secured with complex 2-factor authentication and passwords.
Monitoring 24/7
We continue to monitor our websites for suspicious users and activities.
Smart Contract Review
We have created token intelligent sale contracts in accordance with engineering best practices, and all codes have been reviewed and certified.
For More Information:
Bitcointalk name : competentgirl
My BitcoinTalk: 

CRYPTOGLOBAL  — Purchasing And Selling Digital Assets As Simple as Possible — And Easy as Possible OUR VISION & MISSION We w...